Manuela Bojadžijev
Migration in a global perspective; digital cultures; representations of migration and flight; current transformation processes of mobility, migration and racism; changes of labor and everyday life through digitalization and logistics; geopolitical constellations.
Until 2006, studies in Political Science, Sociology and Philosophy at TU Darmstadt and Goethe University Frankfurt. From 2000 to 2003 Doctoral Researcher at the Institute for Social Research. From 2003 to 2006 Research Assistant at the Institute for European Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at Goethe University Frankfurt. 2006 PhD in Political Science at Goethe University Frankfurt. From 2007 to 2008 Lecturer at Goldsmiths, University of London and the City University of London. From 2008 to 2009 Research Associate at Freie Universität Berlin and from 2010 to 2015 Research Associate at the Institute for European Ethnology at Humboldt University Berlin. From 2015 to 2020 Professor of Globalized Cultures at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg. From 2018 to 2020 Co-Director of the Berlin Institute for Migration Research at Humboldt University Berlin. There, since 2020, Professor at the Institute for European Ethnology and at the Berlin Institute for Migration Research and since 2021 Vice Dean for Internationalization of the Faculty of Humanities.
Bojadžijev, Manuela 2022: Rassismusforschung in Deutschland – Prekäre Geschichte, strukturelle Probleme, neue Herausforderungen. Interview zur Eröffnung des Tagungsbandes, in: Institut für Demokratie und Zivilgesellschaft (ed.): Wissen schafft Demokratie. Tagungsband zur Online–Fachtagung »Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt & Rassismus« 11. Jena, 14–23, online here.
Bojadžijev, Manuela and Benjamin Opratko 2022: Cultures of Rejection – Special Issue of »Patterns of Prejudice« 56. 4–5.
Bojadžijev, Manuela and Sandro Mezzadra 2020: Debating Platform Capitalism. Notas Y Discusiones, in: Soft Power. Revista euro–americana de teoría e historia del apolitical y del derecho 7. Enero–Junio, 237–274, online here.
Bojadžijev, Manuela, Moritz Altenried, Leif Höfler, Sandro Mezzadra and Mira Wallis (ed.) 2017: Logistische Grenzlandschaften. Das Regime mobiler Arbeit nach dem »Sommer der Migration«. Münster: Unrast.
Bojadžijev, Manuela and the research group »Cultures of Rejection« 2021: Cultures of Rejection in the Covid–19 Crises, in: Ethnic and Racial Studies 44. 4, first published online: here.
Bojadžijev, Manuela 2018: Migration as a social seismograph. An Analysis of Germany’s »Refugee Crisis« Controversy, in: International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society 31. 4, 335–356.
Bojadžijev, Manuela, Moritz Altenried, Leif Höfler, Sandro Mezzadra and Mira Wallis 2018: Logistical Borderscapes – Politics and Mediation of Mobile Labor in Germany after the Summer of Migration, in: South Atlantic Quarterly 117. 2, 291–312.
Bojadžijev, Manuela 2021: Anti–racism as method, in: Solomos, John (ed.): Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Racisms. London: Routledge, 193–204.
Bojadžijev, Manuela 2008: Die windige Internationale. Rassismus und Kämpfe der Migration. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot. (second edition 2012, third edition 2024)
Bojadžijev, Manuela, Mihir Sharma and Katharina Schramm (ed.) 2023: Undoing Race and Racism, Blog Series, boasblog, perpetuous.
Bojadžijev, Manuela, Jens Adam, Regina Römhild, Michi Knecht, Paweł Lewicki, Nurhak Polat and Rika Spiekermann (ed.) 2019: Europa dezentrieren. Beiträge zu einer reflexiven Anthropologie globaler Verflechtungen. Frankfurt am Main: Campus.
Bojadžijev, Manuela and Katrin Klingan (ed.) 2018: Race, Nation, Class: Rereading a Dialogue for our Times. Hamburg: Argument–Verlag.
Bojadžijev, Manuela, Moritz Altenried, Leif Jannis Höfler, Sandro Mezzadra and Mira Wallis (ed.) 2017: Logistische Grenzlandschaften. Das Regime mobiler Arbeit nach dem »Sommer der Migration«. Münster: Unrast.
Ultra–red (ed.) 2014: Nine Workbooks 2010–2014. Berlin: König.
Research group TRANSIT MIGRATION (ed.) 2006: Turbulente Ränder. Neue Perspektiven auf Migration an den Grenzen Europas, Bielefeld: Transcript. (second edition 2009)
Bojadžijev, Manuela and Alex Demirović (ed.) 2002: Konjunkturen des Rassismus. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot. (second edition 2012)
(2023–) Editorial Board »Dialogues on Digital Society«
(2018–) International Editorial Board »Ethnic and Racial Studies«
Bojadžijev, Manuela and Benjamin Opratko 2022: Cultures of Rejection. Special Issue of »Patterns of Prejudice« 56. 4–5.
Bojadžijev, Manuela and Sandro Mezzadra 2020: Debating Platform Capitalism. Notas Y Discusiones, in: Soft Power. Revista euro–americana de teoría e historia del apolitical y del derecho 7. Enero–Junio, 237–274, online here.
Arnold, Sina, Sabrina Apicella and Manuela Bojadžijev (ed.) 2018: Grounding Logistics. Ethnographische Zugriffe auf Logistik, Migration und Mobilität, »Berliner Blätter« 73. Berlin: Panama Verlag.
Bojadžijev, Manuela, Regina Römhild et al. (ed.) 2014: Vom Rand ins Zentrum. Perspektiven für eine kritische Migrationsforschung, »Berliner Blätter« 65. Berlin: Panama Verlag.
Co–editor and coordinator of the special issue »Kämpfe der Migration«, 1999. Zeitschrift für Sozialgeschichte des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts (heute: Sozial.Geschichte).
1995–97 editor Die Beute, quarterly.
Bojadžijev, Manuela and Benjamin Opratko 2023: Introducing Cultures of Rejection: investigating current cultures of acceptability of right–wing politics in Europe, in: Cultures of Rejection. Special Issue of »Patterns of Prejudice« 56. 4–5.
Bojadžijev, Manuela, Mihir Sharma and Katharina Schramm (ed.) 2023: Undoing Race and Racism: Anthropological Interventions, 20.02.23, boasblog, perpetuous.
Bojadžijev, Manuela and the research group »Cultures of Rejection« 2021: Cultures of Rejection in the Covid–19 Crises, in: Ethnic and Racial Studies 44. 4, first published online: here.
Altenried, Moritz, Stefania Animento and Manuela Bojadžijev 2021: Plattform–Urbanismus: Digitale Plattformen, Arbeit und die Transformation des städtischen Raums, in: sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung 9. 1–2, 73–92. Online here.
Aradau, Claudia, Brenna Bhandar, Manuela Bojadžijev, Josue David Cisneros, Nicholas De Genova, Julia Eckert, Elena Fontanari, Tanya Golash–Boza, Jef Huysmans, Shahram Khosravi, Clara Lecadet, Patrisia Macías Rojas, Federica Mazzara, Anne McNevin, Peter Nyers, Stephan Scheel, Nandita Sharma, Maurice Stierl, Vicki Squire, Martina Tazzioli, Huub van Baar and William Walters 2021: Minor Keywords of Political Theory – Migration as a Critical Standpoint, in: Environment and Planning C: Politics & Space 40. 4, 781–875. Online here.
Altenried, Moritz, Manuela Bojadžijev and Mira Wallis 2020: Körper, Daten, Arbeitskraft. Ein Gespräch zu Migration und Arbeit unter digitalen Bedingungen, in: Berliner Blätter. Special Issue: Digitale Arbeitskulturen – Rahmungen, Effekte, Herausforderungen, 43–53, online here.
Bojadžijev, Manuela, Moritz Altenried, Leif Höfler, Sandro Mezzadra and Mira Wallis 2018: Arbeit, Migration und Logistik – Vermittlungsinfrastrukturen nach dem Sommer der Migration, in: Movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies 4. 2, 35–56, online here.
Arnold, Sina, Sabrina Apicella and Manuela Bojadžijev (ed.) 2018: Einleitung – Grounding Logistics. Ethnographische Zugriffe auf Logistik, Migration und Mobilität, in: Grounding Logistics. Ethnographische Zugriffe auf Logistik, Migration und Mobilität. Berliner Blätter 73, Berlin: Panama Verlag, 7–26.
Bojadžijev, Manuela (2018): Migration as a social seismograph – An Analysis of Germany’s »Refugee Crisis« Controversy, in: International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society 31. 4, 335–356.
Altenried, Moritz, Manuela Bojadžijev, Leif Höfler, Sandro Mezzadra and Mira Wallis 2018: Logistical Borderscapes – Politics and Mediation of Mobile Labor in Germany after the Summer of Migration, in: South Atlantic Quarterly 117. 2, 291–312.
Bojadžijev, Manuela 2018: Migration und Integration – Zur Genealogie des zentralen Dispositivs, in: Migration und Soziale Arbeit 40. 1, 54–61.
Bojadžijev, Manuela 2018: Migration und Integration – Zur Genealogie des zentralen Dispositivs in der Migrationsgesellschaft, in: Boris Buden and Lina Dokuzovic (ed.): They’ll never walk alone – The Life and Afterlife of Gastarbeiters, Wien/ Linz/ London/ Zürich/ Málage: transversal texts, 53–70. (reprint)
Bojadžijev, Manuela 2022: Rassismusforschung in Deutschland – Prekäre Geschichte, strukturelle Probleme, neue Herausforderungen. Interview zur Eröffnung des Tagungsbandes, in: Institut für Demokratie und Zivilgesellschaft (ed.): Wissen schafft Demokratie. Tagungsband zur Online–Fachtagung »Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt & Rassismus« 11. Jena, 14–23, online here.
Bojadžijev, Manuela 2021: Rassismus, in: Brigitta Schmidt–Lauber and Manuel Liebig (ed.): Begriffe der Gegenwart – Ein kulturwissenschaftliches Glossar. Wien: Böhlau, 235–244.
Bojadžijev, Manuela 2021: »The Spirit of Europe« – Differential Migration, Labour and Logistifications, in: Giorgio Grappi (ed.): Contested justice. Europe and migration in a global perspective. London: Routledge.
Bojadžijev, Manuela 2020: Migration und Digitalisierung – Umrisse eines emergenten Forschungsfeldes, in: Hans Karl Peterilini and Jasmin Donlic (ed.): Jahrbuch Migration und Gesellschaft 2019/20. Schwerpunkt »Digitale Medien«. Bielefeld: transcript, 9–22.
Bojadžijev, Manuela 2020: Anti–racism as method, in: Solomos, John (ed.): Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Racisms. London: Routledge, 193–204.
Bojadžijev, Manuela 2019: »Najkraći put u svet – Der Kürzeste Weg in Die Welt. Migracija, građanska prava i EU u državama bivše Jugoslavije – Novi pogled nakon 15 godina« and »The Fastest Route Into The World – Der Kürzeste Weg in Die Welt Migration, Civil Rights and the EU in the Former Yugoslavian Countries – An update after 15 year«, in: Ana Panić and Simona Ognjanović (ed.): The Nineties – A Glossary of Migrations (Katalog zur Ausstellung), Museum of Yugoslavia, 73–92, online here.
Bojadžijev, Manuela 2019: Die Logistik der Migration – Ethnographische und epistemische Perspektiven, in: Reinhard Johler and Jan Lange (ed.): Konfliktfeld FluchtMigration – Historische und ethnographische Perspektiven“. Münster: Transkript (series: Kultur und soziale Praxis), 31–48.
Bojadžijev, Manuela, Katherine Braun, Manuel Liebig and Benjamin Opratko 2018: Rassismusforschung in Deutschland – Prekäre Geschichte, strukturelle Probleme, neue Herausforderungen, in: Tina Dürr and Reiner Becker (ed.): Leerstelle Rassismus – NSU und die Folgen. Schwalbach: Wochenschau Verlag, 59–73.
Bojadžijev, Manuela 2018: Konjunkturen der Rassismustheorie in Deutschland, in: Naika Foroutan, Christian Geulen, Susanne Ullmer, Klaus Vogel and Susanne Wernsing (ed.): Das Phantom »Rasse«. Zur Geschichte und Wirkungsmacht von Rassismus. Köln: böhlau–Verlag, 47–64.
Bojadžijev, Manuela and Katrin Klingan (2018): What Constitutes the Specifictiy of Racism Today? Re–editing Race, Nation, Class – Yesterday and Today, in: Manuela Bojadžijev and Katrin Klingan (ed.): Race, Nation, Class: Rereading a Dialogue for our Times. Hamburg: Argument–Verlag, 9–17.
Bojadžijev, Manuela 2018: The Berlin Workshop, in: Manuela Bojadžijev and Katrin Klingan (ed.): Race, Nation, Class: Rereading a Dialogue for our Times. Hamburg: Argument–Verlag, 240–257.
Bojadžijev, Manuela 2018: »Is there an option to go beyond racism? « Étienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein in Conversation with Manuela Bojadžijev, in: Manuela Bojadžijev and Katrin Klingan (ed.): Race, Nation, Class: Rereading a Dialogue for our Times. Hamburg: Argument–Verlag, 264–277.
Bojadžijev, Manuela 2018: Gesucht: Ein neues Koordinatensystem – Transnationale Netzwerke und Perspektiven linker Migrationspolitik, in: Günter Piening (ed.): Die Macht der Migration – Zehn Gespräche zu Mobilität und Kapitalismus. Münster: Unrast, 97–104.
Bojadžijev, Manuela and Carolin Emcke: Archiv der Flucht. Berlin, Online–Archive, Conference from 30. September–03. October 2021. Exhibition from 30. September 2021–03. January 2022; in cooperation with the Haus der Kulturen der Welt.
Bojadžijev, Manuela and Katrin Klingan: »Gefährliche Konjunkturen. Zur Aktualität von Balibar/Wallersteins »Rasse, Klasse, Nation«. Berlin, 15. March 2018–17. March 2018; in cooperation with the Haus der Kulturen der Welt.
Bojadžijev, Manuela, Series International Summer Schools, 2013–2016, KOSMOS–Summer University, Program of Excellence of the Humboldt–Universität zu Berlin, »Investigating Logistics: Lifestyles, Migration and the Common(s)« International Summer School, 2015–2016, Website:; KOSMOS–Program and International Bureau, Humboldt–Universität zu Berlin: »Expanding the Margins: Migration, Mobilities, Borders«, International Summer School, 2014, Website:; Life Long Learning Programme (DAAD): »Teaching the Crisis. Geographies, Methodologies, Perspectives«, International Summer School, 2013, Website: