Maria Kontos
Migration and Integration Policy, Gender Studies, Housework and Care Work, Biography and Discourse, Biographical Policy Evaluation, Self-Employment Research, Ethnic Business and Family Farms, Qualitative Indicators of Quality of Life
Studies in Sociology, Social Psychology and Ethnology at the University of Göttingen. Doctorate at Goethe University Frankfurt. Since 1992 conception, management and coordination of a number of transnational EU research projects focusing on migration, integration and gender. 1997 to 2002 research associate at Goethe University Frankfurt. Since 2002 research associate at the Institute for Social Research. Lecturer on Migration, Biographical Methods, Ethnic Entrepreneurship and Transnationality at Goethe University Frankfurt.
Kontos, Maria 2020: Die desintegrativen Folgen des öffentlichen Integrationsdiskurses. Eine biographieanalytische Untersuchung mit Migrantinnen und Migranten. Opladen, Berlin & Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich.
Pütz, Robert, Maria Kontos, Christa Larsen, Sigrid Rand, and Minna-Kristiina Ruokonen-Engler (eds.) 2019: Betriebliche Integration von Pflegefachkräften aus dem Ausland. Innenansichten zu Herausforderungen globalisierter Arbeitsmärkte. Düsseldorf: Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Study No. 416.
Kontos, Maria and Glenda Tibe Bonifacio (eds.) 2015: Migrant Domestic Workers and Family Life. International Perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Liapi, Maria and Maria Kontos (eds.) 2014: Γυναικεία μετανάστευση στην Ελλάδα. Ποιοτικοί Δείκτες και δυναμικές κοινωνικής ένταξης. (Frauenmigration in Griechenland. Qualitative Indikatoren und Dynamiken sozialer Integration) Athen, EKKE (in Greek).
Kontos, Maria, Floya Anthias and Mirjana Morokvasic (eds.) 2013: Paradoxes of Integration. Female Migrants in Europe. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York and London: Springer Publications.
Kontos Maria, Krystyna Slany and Maria Liapi (eds.) 2010: Women in New Migrations. Current Debates in European Societies. Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press.
Kontos, Maria and Ursula Apitzsch (eds.) 2008: Self-Employment Activities of Women and Minorities. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
Kontos, Maria 2008: Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Germany. In L.-P. Dana (ed.): Handbook of Research on International Entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar, 445–463
Apitzsch, Ursula, Lena Inowlocki, Maria Kontos 2008: The Method of Biographical Policy Evaluation. In Apitzsch, Ursula and Maria Kontos (eds.): Self-Employment Activities of Women and Minorities. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 12–18.
Kontos, Maria and Ursula Apitzsch (eds.) 2003: Self-Employment, Gender and Migration. Women in Non-Privileged Self-Employment. Special Issue, International Review of Sociology 13. 1.
Kontos, Maria 2018: Zur Produktion sozialer Ungleichheit in der Migrationsgesellschaft Integrationsdiskurs im Kontext von Interaktion. In Behrmann, Laura, Falk Eckert, Andreas Gefken, Peter A. Berger (eds.) ‚Doing Inequality‘ Prozesse sozialer Ungleichheit im Blick qualitativer Sozialforschung, Springer VS, Wiesbaden, 285–302.
Kontos, Maria 2017: Integrationsdiskurs und migrantische Biographie, in sozialer sinn 18. 1, 93–130.
Kontos, Maria 2013: Negotiating Social Citizenship Rights of Migrant Domestic Workers: the Right to Family Reunification and Family Life in Policies and Debates. In Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 39, 3, 409–424.
Kontos, Maria 2014: Migrantinnen in der häuslichen und institutionellen Pflege – Überlegungen zur prekären Anerkennung von Rechten auf Familienzusammenführung und ein Familienleben. In Krawietz, Johanna and Stefanie Visel (eds.) Prekarisierung transnationaler Care-Arbeit – Ambivalente Anerkennung, Westfälisches Dampfboot, Münster, 37–55.
Kontos, Maria 2014: Restrictive integration policies and the construction of the migrant as “unwilling to integrate”: The case of Germany. In Floya Anthias and Mojca Pajnik (eds.) Contesting integration, engendering migration: theory and practice, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK, 125–142.
From 2013 to 2018 DFG Project “Implications of the Public Discourse about Integration for Migrants’ Self-Understanding, Self-Positioning and Integration Activities”
From 2013 to 2015 EU Project “Opening Participatory Routes: Mentoring and Building Capacity for Active Citizenship from a Gender Perspective”
From 2015 to 2017 HBS Project from “Autonomous Immigration and Recruitment of Foreign Nursing Personnel: Dynamics of Operational Integration in the Care Sector”
From 2010 to 2011 “Female Migration in Greece. Building and Testing of Gender-Sensitive, Qualitative Indicators of Integration”
From 2009 to 2010, HMWE project “Qualification and counseling for the labor market integration of qualified migrants”

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