Robin Celikates
Critical Theory; Radical Democratic Theory; Protest, Disobedience, Social Movements; Migration and Racism
2010 to 2019 Associate Professor of Political and Social Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam. 2018 to 2019 member of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. Co-editor of the journal Critical Times. Interventions in Global Critical Theory. Member of the Board of the International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs and spokesman of the interdisciplinary research group »Transforming Solidarities. Practices and Infrastructures in the Migration Society«. Since 2019 Professor of Social Philosophy at the Freie Universität Berlin and Deputy Director of the Center for Humanities and Social Change, Berlin.
Celikates, Robin 2009: Kritik als soziale Praxis. Gesellschaftliche Selbstverständigung und kritische Theorie. Frankfurt am Main: Campus 2009 (English translation: Critique as Social Practice. London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2018).
Celikates, Robin and Rahel Jaeggi 2017: Einführung in die Sozialphilosophie. Munich: Beck 2017.
Celikates, Robin, Regina Kreide and Tilo Wesche (eds.) 2015: Transformations of Democracy. Crisis, Protest, and Legitimation. London: Rowman & Littlefield.
Celikates, Robin, Joost de Bloois and Yolande Jansen (eds.) 2014: The Irregularization of Migration in Contemporary Europe: Detention, Deportation, Drowning. London: Rowman & Littlefield.
Celikates, Robin 2021: Radical Democratic Disobedience, in William Scheuerman (ed.): The Cambridge Companion to Civil Disobedience. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 128-152.
Celikates, Robin 2020: Radical Civility. Social Struggles and the Domestication of Dissent, in Julia Christ et al. (eds.): Debating Critical Theory. London: Rowman & Littlefield, 83-94.
Celikates, Robin 2020: Die Macht der Kritik. Epistemische Asymmetrien, alternative Standpunkte und migrantische Praktiken, in WestEnd. Neue Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung, 17/2, 81-96.
Celikates, Robin 2019: Constituent Power Beyond Exceptionalism: Irregular Migration, Disobedience, and (Re-)Constitution, in Journal of International Political Theory, 15/1, 67-81.
Celikates, Robin 2019: Moralischer Fortschritt, soziale Kämpfe und Emanzipationsblockaden: Elemente einer Kritischen Theorie der Politik, in Ulf Bohmann and Paul Sörensen (eds.): Kritische Theorie der Politik. Berlin: Suhrkamp, 397-425.
Celikates, Robin 2018: Critical Theory and the Unfinished Project of Mediating Theory and Practice, in Axel Honneth, Peter Gordon and Espen Hammer (eds.): The Routledge Companion to the Frankfurt School. London: Routledge, 206-220.
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