Verónica Gago
Gender Studies, Feminist Social Theory, Political Theory, Economic Sociology, Social Reproduction, Changes in the World of Work, Neoliberalism, Financialization of everyday life and Popular Economies, Latin America Politics.
Until 2000, studied Political Science at University of Buenos Aires. From 2006 to 2011 Doctoral Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) of Argentina. 2012 PhD in Social Sciences at University of Buenos Aires. Since 2012 Professor of International Economy at University of Buenos Aires. Since 2015 Researcher at National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) at the Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Institute (IIEG), University of Buenos Aires. Since 2016 Professor of Critical Theory and Gender Studies at Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Since 2016, co-director of The Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) Working Group of Popular Economies. Since 2004, editor at Tinta Limón Ediciones. Since 2024, co-director of Co-Lab Critical Territories (New York University-Buenos Aires & CONICET).
Gago, Verónica 2024: Social Reproduction and Financial Extractivism, in: Mary Caputi and Patricia Moynagh (eds.): A Research Handbook on Feminist Political Thought. Edward Edgar: New York.
Herrero, Yayo and Verónica Gago 2023: Ecofeminismos. La sostenibilidad de la vida. Barcelona: Icaria.
Gago, Verónica and Lucí Cavallero 2023: Der Haushalt als Versuchslabor Feministische Kämpfe um Mieten, Haus und Heimarbeit, Vienna: European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies.
Gago, Verónica 2023: Ocupar las calles, las casas y las plazas, in: Dora Barrancos (ed.): Mujeres y LGBTI+ en Argentina. Organización y conquista de derechos. Editorial Mingéneres: Buenos Aires.
Gago, Verónica 2023: Sur le désir de théorie du mouvement féministe, in: Zahra Ali et al. (eds.): Gagner le monde. Sur quelques héritages féministes. La fabrique: París.
Gago, Verónica and Gabriel Giorgi 2022: Notes on the Expressive Forms of the New Rights: A Dispute over the Subjectivity of the Majorities, in: Rosana Pinheiro-Machado and Tatiana Vargas-Maia (eds.): The Rise of the Radical Right in the Global South. London: Routledge.
Cavallero, Lucí and Verónica Gago 2021: A feminist reading of debt. London: Pluto Press.
Gago, Verónica (2020): The feminist international. How to change everything. London & New York: Verso.

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