Gözde Çelik
Labour and migration research, Social inequality, Political representation, Qualitative empirical social research
2021 Master's degree in Sociology at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Previously studies in sociology with a minor in philosophy. Since 2022 Research Assistant at the University of Applied Sciences Munich as a part of the research project »REPCHANCE - Supportive Components of Minority Representation«. Teaching assignments at the University of Applied Sciences Munich and elected member of the faculty council there since 2023. Since 2024 Doctorate in the doctoral programme »Dialektik der Teilhabe« at the Institute for Social Research, funded by the Hans Böckler Foundation.
Doctoral project: »Between participation and exclusion – The intergenerational transmission of work experiences among people with a Turkish migration history«.
Bergmann, Henning, Gözde Çelik und Andreas M. Wüst 2024: REPCHANCE, Bausteine einer chancengerechten politischen Repräsentation von Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte. Stuttgart: Robert Bosch Stiftung.
Çelik, Gözde; Zelenkowits, Rahel (2024): »And we start to push and push and push« – Empirische Perspektiven auf die Dialektik der Teilhabe. Teilhabe-Workshop im Rahmen des Promotionskollegs »Dialektik der Teilhabe«. Haus am Dom Frankfurt a. M., April 18 – 19.
Çelik, Gözde 2023: Termination because of a ›migration-thing‹? Roundtable: Diversity in German Politics. University of Amsterdam, October 19.
Postmigrantische Narrative. Das Leitfadeninterview als Methode der qualitativen Sozialforschung, Winter 2023/24. Hochschule München.
Erzählen aus dem Leben. Das Leitfadeninterview als Methode der qualitativen Sozialforschung, Summer 2023. Hochschule München.
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