Nanthiny Rajamannan
Sociology and Psychology of Religion, Modernization and Individualization Theories, Qualitative Social Research, Health and Social Psychology, Health Promoting Social Work, Coping Theories
2012 to 2015 bachelor’s degree in Social Work, 2015 to 2018 master’s degree in Health Promoting Social Work at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences North Rhine-Westphalia, Paderborn. 2015 to 2018 scholarship holder of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation. Since 2019 PhD candidate at Goethe University Frankfurt. Working experience as a social worker at AWO Ostwestfalen-Lippe e. V. and Caritas Frankfurt e. V. 2019 to 2024 research assistant at the Institute for Social Research in the research project »Religiöse und nichtreligiöse Kontingenzbewältigung in der individualisierten Gesellschaft«. 2020 to 2023 doctoral fellow in the non-material support of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation. Since 2024 Doctoral Researcher at the Institute for Social Research and »Talentscout« at Hochschule RheinMain, Wiesbaden.
Ongoing research project: Religious and Non-Religious Modes of Coping with Contingency in an Individualized Society []
Past research projects:
July 2016 – July 2017: “'Und was glaubst Du?” – Inwiefern wirkt die Religiosität in der Jugend als eine Strategie zur Bewältigung von Krisen?” – Individual research project as part of the Master's program in Health Promoting Social Work at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences, Paderborn
April 2016 – June 2017: “Family policy against poverty and social exclusion – a comparative study between Germany – Finland – Sweden – Poland” – Activities as research assistant in an international research project of Prof'in. Dr. phil. Monika Többe-Schukalla at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences, Paderborn
Research Projects at the Institute (collaboration)
Religious and Non-Religious Modes of Coping with Contingency in an Individualized Society

Senckenberganlage 26
60325 Frankfurt am Main