Newal Yalcin
Gender Studies, Authoritarianism, Critical Theory, Psychoanalytic Social Psychology, Qualitative Methods of Social Research
2016 to 2024 studies in Sociology at Goethe University Frankfurt with accompanying participation in the gender studies certificate program of the Cornelia Goethe Center. During her studies employment in political education, and as student assistant at Goethe University Frankfurt, most recently at the Chair of Sociology with a focus on women's and gender studies. 2021 Internship at the Sigmund Freud Institute. Since 2024 Research Assistant at the Institute for Social Research.
Amini, Mahza and Newal Yalcin 2023: Eine feministische Perspektive auf »Unhaltbare Zustände«: Tagungsbericht zur Zweiten Marxistischen Arbeitswoche, in: feministische studien (41)2, 337–340.
Yalcin, Newal 2021: Männlichkeit und rechter Terror – Der Fall des Anschlags in Halle 2019. Vortragsreihe Psychoanalytische Arbeiten – Arbeit mit der Psychoanalyse. Goethe University Frankfurt a.M., June 01.
Connecting the Dots: Reconstructing the Social Production of Suspicious Knowledge