Esteban Torres
Critical Theory/Theories of Society, Theories of Social Change, World Social Change, Historical Sociology, Sociology of Power, Critical Sociology of Globalization, Social Change in Latin America
Escape from the Argentinian military dictatorship in early childhood, followed by political exile in Stockholm. Doctorate at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Buenos Aires. Since 2013 Professor of Sociology and Social Theory at Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Since 2014 Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina. Between 2016 and 2022, coordinator of the working group Social Theory and Latin American Reality of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences. Since 2020 Director of the research program »World Social Change«, a program by the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina in cooperation with the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Since 2021 Coordinator of the »Permanent Seminar«, a Phd Program in Social Studies of Latin America at the Centre for Advanced Studies, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Visiting Professor at the University of Jena, New York University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Cambridge, and Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3. Since 2023 Permanent Fellow at the Institute for Social Research.
Torres, Esteban 2023: Social Change: Theory, History and Politics, Buenos Aires: CLACSO (In Spanish: El Cambio social: Teoría, historia y política).
Torres, Esteban, Leite Goncalves, Guilherme 2022: Towards a New Sociology of Capitalism, Jena-Buenos Aires, Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena-CLACSO. (In Spanish: Hacia una nueva sociología del capitalismo).
Torres, Esteban, Domingues, José Maurício 2022: New Actors and Social Change in Latin America, Buenos Aires: CLACSO. (In Spanish: Nuevos actores y cambio social en América Latina).
Torres, Esteban 2021: The Great Transformation of Sociology, Buenos Aires-Córdoba: CLACSO-UNC. (In Spanish: La gran transformación de la sociología).
Torres, Esteban, et al: 2020: Marx 200. Past, Present and Future, Buenos Aires: CLACSO (in Spanish: Marx 200. Pasado, presente y future). With texts written by Göran Therborn, Bob Jessop, Anwar Shaikh, Robert Boyer, among others].
Torres, Esteban, 2020: Towards the Renewal of Latin American Social Theory, Buenos Aires: CLACSO. (In Spanish: Hacia la renovación de la teoría social latinoamericana)
Torres, Esteban; Gonnet, Juan Pablo, 2016: Social Theory in Latin America: Current Problems, Trends and Challenges, Buenos Aires: CONICET (In Spanish: La teoría social en América Latina: problemas, tendencias y desafíos actuals).
Torres, Esteban 2023: Analyzing World Society. Lecture given at the Sociologiseminarium, Varterminen 2023, Linnaeus University, Kalmar Växhö, Sweden, 02/03/2023. Presentation and comments: Göran Therborn.
Torres, Esteban 2023: The Social Dynamics of Latin America, 2019-2023: Irruptions, Changes and Continuities. Lecture given at the Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden, 03/03/2023.
Torres, Esteban 2022: The Power of algoritms? The Evolution of the Intercommunication System in World Society. Lecture given at the Centre d'Économie, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (CEPN), Paris. Presentation and comments: Robert Boyer. 24/11/2022.
Torres, Esteban 2019: The Great Transformation of Latin American Sociology, 1950-2019: from Modern Autonomy to Postmodern Denial. Lecture given at the Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Reconceptualising Power in World Society: Transnational Capitalist Class, Global Power Elite and Elite Field, Master’s in Sociology, Institut für Soziologie, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (January, 2023).
World Social Justice: Towards a new normative constellation, Master’s in Sociology, Institut für Soziologie, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena (December, 2022).
World Society and the Core-periphery Relationship: Revisiting a Historical Dualism”, Master’s in Sociology, Institut für Soziologie, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (November, 2022).