Ina Braune

Research Interests

Sociology of Gender, Sociology of Knowledge, Qualitative Methods of Social Research


From 2014 to 2018 studies in psychology at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (B.Sc.) and from 2018 to 2021 studies in sociology at the Goethe University Frankfurt (M.A.). Since January 2022 research associate at the Institute for Social Research.

Publications (selection)

Braune, Ina, Angelina Schaefer, Miriam Schmitt, Madleina Spatz and Maximilian Voigt 2021: Überforderung durch Aufforderung zur Partizipation? (Nicht-)Aneignungsprozesse am Beispiel von partizipativen Forschungsprojekten mit Seniorinnen and Jugendlichen, in Sabine Flick and Alexander Herold (eds.): Zur Kritik der Partizipativen Forschung. Forschungspraxis im Spiegel der Kritischen Theorie. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, 205–225.

Dieckmann, Janine, Daniel Geschke and Ina Braune 2017: Diskriminierung and ihre Auswirkungen für Betroffene and die Gesellschaft, in Wissen schafft Demokratie, Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Demokratie and Zivilgesellschaft, 2, 18–37.

January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024: “Psychotherapeutic Treatment of Work-Related Suffering in Germany” (cooperation of the Institute with the Fulda University of Applied Sciences)

Research Projects at the Institute (collaboration)

Psychotherapeutic Treatment of Work-Related Suffering in Germany (in cooperation with Fulda University of Applied Sciences)

Research Associate
Contact Address

Senckenberganlage 26

60325 Frankfurt am Main
