Daniel Loick
Social Philosophy and Political Philosophy, esp. Critiques of State Power and Politics of Life Forms and Counter-Communities
2010 PhD from Goethe University Frankfurt. Teaching and research at various institutions in Germany, Switzerland, and the United States, including Harvard University, Cambridge, the New School for Social Research, New York, and the Center for Humanities and Social Change, Berlin. Director of the research project »Abolition Democracies – Transnational Perspectives« funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation. Member of the advisory board of the International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs. Co-editor of the book series Philosophie und Kritik, and member of the selection committee of the exchange platform »Kritische Theorie(n) pluralisieren«. Since 2020 Associate Professor of Political and Social Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam.
Loick, Daniel 2017: Konturen einer kritischen Theorie des Rechts. Berlin: Suhrkamp.
Loick, Daniel 2017: Anarchismus zur Einführung. Hamburg: Junius
Loick, Daniel 2016: Der Missbrauch des Eigentums. Berlin: August
Loick, Daniel 2012: Kritik der Souveränität, Frankfurt and New York: Campus
Loick, Daniel and Vanessa E. Thompson (eds.) 2021: Abolitionist Futures – Prefigurations Beyond Violence. Special issue of A Journal on Civilisation, 3/2021
Loick, Daniel (eds.) 2018: Kritik der Polizei. Frankfurt and New York: Campus.
Christ, Julia, Kristina Lepold, Daniel Loick, Titus Stahl (eds.) 2020: Debating Critical Theory, London: Rowman and Littlefield.
Jaeggi, Rahel and Daniel Loick (eds.) 2013: Nach Marx. Philosophie, Kritik, Praxis. Berlin: Suhrkamp.
Loick, Daniel 2021: “Das Anrecht auf Grausamkeit. Recht und Affekt; Moria, abolitionistische Strategien,” in Kritische Justiz 3/2021
Loick, Daniel 2021: “The Ethical Life of Counter-Communities,” in Critical Times, 4:1, Spring 2021
Loick, Daniel 2020. “As if it were a thing. A Feminist Critique of Consent,” in An International Journal for Critical and Democratic Political Theory, vol. 27.3

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